Start Your Journey Here

Guides make your move to Poplar Grove effortless

Your Buyers Journey Made Easy

Surrounded by like-minded, active seniors, you'll find a community that celebrates the joy of retirement. 

Follow these journey guidelines and make your move to Poplar Grove a breeze!

Schedule a Site Visit

Meet your dedicated Sales Agent Michelle who is here to guide you through every step of the home-buying process at Poplar Grove. She is knowledgeable about the estate, ensuring you find the perfect home that aligns with your retirement aspirations.

Make an appointment with
Michelle - 082 943 5915

Apply for Pre-Approval

Give Dewald a call to assist you with the pre-approval process or contact your preferred agent. With this confirmation you can start dreaming!
Download the Buyers Journey Guide to make this process stress free and enjoyable.

Request assistance from
Dewald 082 473 9105

Submit Your OTP

Select the plot and submit your Offer to Purchase to start your journey to Poplar Grove. Download the Estate Rules Brochure for more.

Request assistance from

Submit Home Loan Application

Get the ball rolling and once the red tape is done you can start getting ready and dreaming about your Poplar Grove House...

Visit   and Dewald will assist you with this process

Go Ahead And Decorate

 You are most welcome to drop in from time to time... once we near completion you can send in the decorators to start measuring the curtains!

Move Into Your New House

Customize your home, making it uniquely yours in every aspect.
Contact your agent for assistance with any additional features.

Welcome @ Poplar Grove!

Get Your Journey Guide

Follow your guide and effortlessly apply for your PropertyMe Express Mortgage Loan... a breeze from pre-approval to moving in!